Thank you to everyone who donates to my blog. It really helps. Thanks too to everyone who has recommended my posts. I am very grateful.
I’d like to point out that no AI was used in writing this or any of my posts. I’m a writer not a plagiarist. My words are my words not other people’s fed through a machine, mixed together, and regurgitated. However hard Microsoft, Google, and others keep pushing CoPilot, Gemini, Grammarly and more I won’t use them. If I can’t think what to write then I won’t write.
The photo shows what is probably my favourite place in the world (my mind does change sometimes), the Cairngorm Plateau.
Excellent blog Chris. The fact you don't use any artificial means of conveying your thoughts shines through. The mountains are enough to bring out real words through real feelings. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts. All the very best, Ian.