Scotland's renowned scenery: Loch Clair & Beinn Eighe in Torridon
The Scottish Wild Land Group in conjunction with the Scottish Mountaineering Trust and the Cairngorms Campaign recently issued the following press release about a concerning new report on the decline of wild land. That wild land is declining in area and quality will not be a surprise to those who wander the hills. It's all too obvious and it is increasing. I wrote this post about it in 2018, where I also looked at the positive side and listed organisations worth supporting as we try and save and restore what's left.
New report shows the need
for better protection of Scotland’s wild scenery
Scotland is
renowned the world over for its wild and spectacular scenery of mountains,
moorlands, lochs and rivers and coasts, a draw to locals and visitors alike.
Those areas with least human impact have been labelled as ‘Wild Land Areas’ by
NatureScot, and research shows that there is strong support from the Scottish
people to retain the wildness of these areas.
Our wildest places
and scenery need strong protection so they can be seen and enjoyed by future
However a newly
published report The State of Wild Land in the Scottish Highlands
shows that this wildness is in long-term decline because of the continuing
pressure for development, both within the Wild Land Areas and around their
The report
concludes that the overall rate of loss appears to be increasing as the scale
of development has also increased. Current developments that pose the greatest
threat are energy generation and associated infrastructure (hydro-electric
schemes and wind farms), plantation forest expansion and hill track
construction, the latter often associated with estate management. This
long-term attrition of wild land is not helped by the fact that there has been
a lack of consistency by planning authorities in the way they have handled its
protection from new developments.
The Scottish
Government is currently consulting on its strategic plans for the country
through the draft National Planning Framework 4 [the consultation runs until 31
March 2022]. If Scotland, and particularly the Highlands, is to retain its
reputation for its iconic scenery, it is imperative that the importance of its
protection, including its wildness, is fully recognised in the new Framework.
This includes stronger protection for Wild Land Areas than is currently
Dr James Fenton of the Scottish Wild Land Group, who coordinated the
report, says:
“There has long been a mismatch between
the commonly stated view that the Highlands are renowned for their scenery and
the practical measures in place for its protection. This report should be a
wake-up call for us all to realise that the Highland landscape is under threat
from ill-sited development.
we really do care for our scenery, we must ensure that there is strong
protection for it in the planning system, including the Wild Land Areas.
Otherwise attrition of this fantastic asset will continue apace, and, in time,
future generations will inherit an impoverished landscape.
course we need development in the Highlands, but it must be in the right place
and not destroy what is the essence of the Highland mountain landscape.”
Report details
The report was
commissioned by the Scottish Wild
Land Group in association with the Scottish Mountaineering Trust and The Cairngorms Campaign,
all of which are voluntary organisation with a keen interest in the protection
of wild land. The research was undertaken by Wildland Research Ltd,
who have long-running experience in the mapping and evaluation of wild land in
Scotland, and by the Ian Kelly
Consultancy Ltd, who have particular expertise in looking at the
impact of renewable energy schemes on wild land. A sample of four Wild Land
Areas were analysed in detail to show the landscape changes which have occurred
from the 1750s to the present day.
The report is available to
download from the Scottish Wild Land Group’s website: https://www.swlg.org.uk/news.php
Further information and hard
copies (free), can be obtained by contacting James Fenton at: ecology@fenton.scot
Main findings
1. The wildest
areas of Scotland have been mapped by NatureScot as ‘Wild Land Areas’, of which
there are 42. There is no absolute protection for them under law, although they
are referred to in Scotland’s national planning policy where it states: “We
also want to continue our strong protection for our wildest landscapes – wild
land is a nationally important landscape.” (from the National Planning
Framework 3). However this new report concludes that the Wild Land Areas are at
risk from development pressures and that their wild status is under threat of
long-term degradation.
2. Development
within these areas over the last 250 years has significantly impacted on the
remaining areas of wild land. Such impacts are principally from road and track
construction which reduce remoteness by providing easier access to wild areas, and
from new structures which stand out in the landscape with a corresponding
reduction in wildness.
3. Forms of
visual intrusion have changed over the period mapped and have tended to go in
phases starting with road and rail and construction, and more recently seeing
phases of development in renewable energy: first hydro power in the 50s and
60s, wind energy in the last 20+ years and now small-scale run-of-river
schemes. Plantation forestry has also moved in phases but at different rates
throughout the period. Associated with all of these, and also with estate
management, has been continual expansion of the hill track network.
4. It is only
eight years since the mapping and designation of Wild Land Areas in Scotland in
2014. This makes it too soon to say whether they have had an effect on slowing
the rate of loss of wild land from reductions in remoteness and visual impacts.
Nonetheless, long-term and short-term rates of attrition, if extrapolated,
would indicate continued threat to the remaining areas of unimpacted, remote
wildland. Whether this means that there will be some future point at which all
wild land ceases to exist is open to question.
5. Wind farms do
not have to be inside the boundaries of a Wild Land Area to affect the
experience of wildness because wind farms nearby are still highly visible.
There are some Wild Land Areas, such as WLA 39 (East Halladale Flows,
Caithness) and WLA 1 (Merrick, in Galloway) that are close to being surrounded
by wind farms that have been built, consented or proposed. Additionally,
Scottish Ministers gave permission for the Creag Riabhach wind farm which had
turbines within a Wild Land Area (WLA 37 Foinaven–Ben Hee, in Sutherland).
6. The recent and current planning
policy provisions at national and local level have not prevented the continuing
attrition of wild land, whilst wind farm applications continue to be random,
speculative proposals which are followed by often inconsistent decision-making.
There is an absence of positive and consistent planning oversight.
Ineffectiveness of
the current planning for new wind farms
An analysis on
how decisions are made to approve or reject new wind farms in Highland shows:
a) There has been no positive Council-led land
use planning for wind energy.
b) Instead, each application has been entirely
locationally specific, largely driven by there being a willing landowner,
followed by an individual project recommendation and/or decision often taken by
someone with no democratic accountability to the locality.
c) The result is completely random decision
making in respect of wind farms.
This non plan-led speculative application
and decision-making process lies at the heart of the significant disagreements
between interested parties and within communities when individual projects are
The above conclusions are in stark
contrast with the conclusions that would be reached in looking at almost any
other form of major land use developments in Scotland.
Recommendations relevant to the current Government
consultation on new National Planning Framework (NPF4)
The Scottish
Government is currently consulting on the content on the new National Planning
Framework (NPF4), with a deadline for
responses of 31 March 2022. The existing policy as given in Scottish Planning
Policy 2 states:
"Wild land character is displayed in
some of Scotland’s remoter upland, mountain and coastal areas, which are very
sensitive to any form of intrusive human activity and have little or no
capacity to accept new development.”
To ensure there is still wild land in
Scotland for future generation to enjoy, this statement needs to be retained in
the new NPF4, and the policies on Wild Land Areas must not be abandoned or
watered-down. Longer-term, the Wild Land Areas need to be given a stronger
legal underpinning so that attrition of their special qualities no longer takes
In particular,
if the Wild Land Areas and other wild and precious land is to be seen as a
national level asset to be protected and managed positively, then three things
need to happen:
1) The decisions on the location of renewable
energy schemes, and all of the ancillary directly associated onsite and offsite
facilities, needs to be a Development Plan led process (as it is currently in
England) which identifies preferred wind farm locations.
2) The process has to be driven by local
democracy, community and place, the concepts that fundamentally underpin every
other aspect of the statutory land use planning system in Scotland.
3) Within that process, landscape protection,
planning and management policy, at national and local level, has to set out a
map-based framework that identifies the National Parks, the National Scenic
Areas, the Wild Land Areas and their settings; with an associated ban on
commercial-scale wind farms in order to consistently and predictably deliver
the required degree of protection from harm. It is recognised that this will
probably need legislative change in order to modify the procedures for
Electricity Act applications.
Report name:
Wildland Research & Ian Kelly Planning Consultancy (2022). The
State of Wild Land in the Scottish Highlands. Scottish Wild Land Group,
140 pages.
Rate of loss of wild land over time
Long-term trend in wild land
attrition rates (1747 – 2020) in the four case study Wild Land Areas
(WLAs);from Figure 3.10 of the report.