Dusk, February 1
February began with snow, continuing the conditions that had held since Christmas, the longest period with snow at this level for ten years. As the Covid-19 lockdown continued all my outdoor trips were from the front door. The furthest I travelled by car was the five miles into Grantown-on-Spey for food and, once, to get my first Covid jag.
As the snow deepened snowshoes or skis became the easiest ways to move about and utilised both. I do love being able to put them on at the front door and set off into the snowy wilds.
Snowshoes, February 4 |
Here are photos from the first two weeks of the month.
View to the Cromdale Hills, February 4 |
Snowing, February 4
Snow cloud, February 7
A cold wind, February 7
Rest stop, February 7
The Cromdale Hills, February 8
Ski tracks, February 8
Ski tracks, February 11
Bynack More and the Cairngorms, February 11
Snow and sun, February 12
The weekend of the 13th and 14th the weather began to change. Winds shifted to the south, temperatures rose and the snow began to thaw. In less than a week most of it had gone. Some days you could almost see it disappearing. Rain fell, hastening the melt. The world changed. On a trip into Grantown I went down to the River Spey to watch the snow rushing away to the sea.
The last snowfall, February 13
Here are some images of the last two weeks of the month.
Track to the house, February 15
Track to the house, February 16
Rainbow, February 16
Rain, February 17
Shrinking snowfields, February 18
The high Cairngorms are still white, February 21
The River Spey takes away the snow, February 24
The woods are waiting for spring, February 25
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