In my many years of wandering in the Scottish Highlands I’ve
often looked at a spot and thought it would be a great place to camp. Usually I’ve
then forgotten about it. However, looking at the map years later can bring back
the memory and sometimes spur a return visit to actually camp there. This was
the case with my most recent camp, which was by Loch a’Mhadaidh Ruadh below An Ruadh-stac
in the NW Highlands.
On a cloudy evening I followed footpaths to the Bealach an
Ruadh-stac then dropped down rough slopes to the loch, which is actually two
and almost three lochs. The ground here is mostly boggy with a few stony
patches. There are many tussocks and rocks. It’s a lovely spot but finding a passable
camp site is quite difficult and I spent a while searching before settling on the
top of a stony bump above the loch that was reasonably dry and reasonably flat.
It would do.

From this camp there were splendid views of the great rock
pyramid of An Ruadh-stac, the long ridge of Meall Chean-dearg, and distant Ben
Damph. Set in the heart of the mountains there was nothing to see but rock,
mountain, loch, and sky – exactly why I was here. The evening was quiet and
cool. The night was cold for August, the temperature falling to 3°C.
The chill was probably why there were few midges around at dawn. There was
lovely early light on the mountains, and I spent an hour ambling round taking
photographs and revelling in the wild beauty.
Leaving camp set up as I planned on a second night here I
spent the day on An Ruadh-stac and Maol Chean-dearg. The light faded a little
with high thin clouds softening the views, but it was all still splendid. An
Ruadh-stac is a dramatic peak. There’s only a sketchy path up it’s quartzite
slopes and a little easy scrambling is required. It doesn’t quite reach Munro
height and doesn’t seem often visited. I saw no-one.
Maol Chean-dearg is a Munro and there is a path, steep and
rocky and eroded in places but easy to follow, and I did meet a handful of
people. It’s not as spectacular a peak as An Ruadh-stac but the views from the
summit were the best of the day, especially dizzyingly down to Loch an Eoin and
north to the line of the jagged Torridon peaks with Liathach seemingly merging
into Beinn Eighe. Out across the sea the mountains of Harris were surprisingly
sharp and clear.
I lingered on the summit, speaking briefly to a walker who
arrived, commented on how tough the boulder field was on the ascent , took some
photos on his phone, then set off down. I was reluctant to leave this idyllic
spot but after a while the midges found me and became irritating enough to get
me moving. Devils in paradise!

Back at camp the midges were out in their millions or
billions, or trillions, great clouds erupting around me. Insect repellent
stopped them biting but the swarms were still irritating. It was late afternoon
and still very warm. Retreating into the tent was not appealing, it would be
hot, stuffy and sweaty in there. I knew rain and wind was forecast for the next
day and my plan had been to return to the car then anyway. I might as well do
that now I thought and escape the midges. Breaking camp required composure and
gritted teeth. Every time I bent down to pull out a tent peg midges enveloped
my head. I was glad when I was on my way, despite a rather badly packed
rucksack. Back at the car the midges were just as bad. I had clean clothes to
change into. That could wait until I was home!
This was the worst midge experience of the summer so far. On
social media I’d seen many reports of people suffering similar attacks, some
asking if the midges were worse than in other years. I can’t say if that is actually
so, but I have had appalling midges too many times in previous years to feel
this year is any different. The crucial factor is the weather. This summer has
seen many calm humid days, which are ideal for midges. Stormy summers are less
so. When I walked the Scottish Watershed some years ago I encountered few
midges as the weather in the Highlands was generally wet and windy.
Over the years I’ve developed a strategy for coping with
midges that just about makes life tolerable. This is based around three items –
insect repellent, mosquito coils, and a tent with a large enough porch to cook
in safely with the doors closed. As soon as I stop to camp the midge repellent
goes on any exposed skin. Once the tent is up I light a mosquito coil in the
porch. Water collected – I bring enough containers to only do this once – I shut
myself in the tent. Except when cooking I keep the inner doors closed. The outer
door is always shut. On warm nights this
can result in a very damp hot atmosphere with condensation pouring down the
flysheet walls – I find this preferable to the midges. A pee bottle is useful
too – going out in the night is not advisable!
If I wake to midges filling the porch and slithering down
the tent walls I light a mosquito coil in the inner tent, unzip as little of
the door as I need to slip the coil into the porch, then zip up the door again.
Five to ten minutes usually sees the porch clear of live midges and I can open
the inner door and start the stove. Breakfast over I then pack everything before
leaving the tent. Then it’s a question of getting the tent down as quickly as
possible, stuffing it into the pack, and walking briskly away.
This procedure requires efficiency and speed. I don’t like
it but it’s the best way I’ve found of dealing with midges. Camping somewhere
breezy is much better but not always possible.
Midge nets are an option I sometimes use if the midges are
really unbearable. I find them hot and stuffy though and plain ones can be hard
to see through. I have one called Netspex with built in glasses that is much
better – unfortunately, it’s no longer available. I always carry it in midge
I never let the midges stop me going out but by the end of a
summer when they are bad, I am longing for the first frosts. Roll on October!