The wireless office sounds a great idea but doesn't seem to have arrived yet. This photo shows the clutter under my desk. Just out of sight are a pile of chargers and cables for GPS, phone, cameras, headtorch and rechargeable batteries. What a mess!
I actually took this shot while playing with the Sony NEX 5. It was taken handheld in low light at 1/30 at f3.5 at 18mm and ISO 12,800. It's noisy of course - about as noisy as a photo at ISO 800 on my Canon 450D or ISO 400 on the Ricoh GR-D compact. But this is ISO 12,800. Astonishing!
I hope you have written to Santa. If you send it by email, make sure the email knows which cable to take lol.
ReplyDelete-6c Last night.
Heating my pond now. It was 2c on Sat, now 4.7c.
Chris, the lens on the NEX5 looks big in proportion to the size of the body. Are Sony using standard size Sony/Minolta lenses on a mini SLR body, or are these a new range of lenses?
ReplyDeleteOn a different subject: when you were sleeping out in the open (or even with the door unzipped) on the Pacific NW Trail, how did you go about deterring unwanted intruders. I'm thinking more in terms of smaller 'visitors' such as potentially dangerous reptiles rather than say large mammals,
Byeways, the NEX lenses are a new range but sized to go with the APS-C sensor so they're the same size as lenses for a DSLR with an APS-C sensor. The Olympus and Panasonic micro four thirds cameras have smaller sensors and thus smaller lenses.
ReplyDeleteI didn't do anything about deterring small creatures on the PNT. A couple of evenings rodents kept trying to steal my food so I slept with it next to me. There aren't really any dangerous reptiles on the PNT (there are rattlesnakes in a few places)and anyway animals won't come near unless they are after your food. On the Arizona Trail - where there are rattlesnakes and other poisonous creatures - I often slept under the stars without any problems.
The only creatures that drive me to zip up the tent are mosquitoes and midges!
Hi Chris,
ReplyDeleteMaybe just too much TV but the thing that worries me even more than dangerous critters, is dangerous weirdos hanging around isolated tracks and hamlets along such a huge trail. Were you ever scared of people more than animals / critters ?
Best wishes
Hi Glyn, definitely too much TV I think! I was never scared of anybody I met and I didn't meet any dangerous weirdos. I did meet many friendly people who went out of their way to be helpful.
ReplyDeleteThis is not because I don't get scared - during the walk I was scared by lightning, stream fords, steep rocks and fast traffic on narrow roads, especially the last.
Wow, that really impresses me, and gives me a warm heart to be honest Chris. I just thought over such a distance through the outback almost, that a "Deliverance" situation could always arise, I am truly grateful it didn't, and also for your reply.
ReplyDeleteVery best wishes, Glyn
Thanks Glyn. One of the unexpected pleasures of long distance walking, which I've found on every one I've done, has been the helpfulness and interest of strangers. And the smaller and remoter the place the friendlier people tend to be. Walk into a large town and often no-one notices you. Walk into a one-saloon hamlet and people talk to you.